#includeusing namespace std;//前面提供两个辅助函数,一个二分查找函数,一个打印序列函数。int bin_search(int raw[], int begin, int end, int search){ //二分查找,返回被查找数应当放置的顺序位置 //n is the real length (do not include 0) int low = begin; int high = end; while (low <= high){ int mid = (low + high) / 2; if (search == raw[mid]) return mid; if (search < raw[mid]) high = mid - 1; if (search > raw[mid]) low = mid + 1; } //if not searched, low is the pos the searched number should placed //raw[low]is higher than search,raw[high] is lower than search; return low;}void dispList(int raw[], int n){ //from 1 to n not 0 to n for (int i = 1; i <= n; i++) cout << raw[i] << ' ';}void simpleInsertSort(int raw[], int n){ //简单直接插入排序 int temp, j; for (temp = 2; temp <= n; temp++){ raw[0] = raw[temp]; //raw[0]用作哨兵 for (j = temp - 1; raw[j]>raw[0]; j--) raw[j + 1] = raw[j]; //大的记录依次向后移动 raw[j + 1] = raw[0]; //移动后,将新的位置留给新进入的记录 }}void simpleInsertSort_Bin(int raw[], int n){ //简单二分插入排序 int temp, j; for (temp = 2; temp <= n; temp++){ raw[0] = raw[temp]; int pos = bin_search(raw, 1, temp - 1, raw[temp]); //pos返回的位置是二分查找后,其被查找结果对应的顺序位置。 for (j = temp - 1; j >= pos; j--){ raw[j + 1] = raw[j]; } raw[pos] = raw[0]; }}//以上是简单插入排序//如下给出希尔增量排序代码,其中增量序列随意取的,不具有优化意义。至于增量序列的取法这里不做讨论。void shellSort_basic(int raw[], int n, int step){ //每趟的排序部分。步长为step //step is from a list for each loop,the last must be 1 int i, j; for (i = 1 + step; i <= n; i++){ raw[0] = raw[i]; for (j = i - step; j>0 && raw[j]>raw[0]; j = j - step)//每次的步进单位都是step raw[j + step] = raw[j]; raw[j + step] = raw[0]; }}void shellSort(int raw[], int n){ // this list should be careful set and must be end with 1 int step[3] = { 5, 3, 1 };//指定的增量序列 for (int i = 0; i<3; i++){ shellSort_basic(raw, n, step[i]); }} void main(){ int a[9] = { 0, 3, 4, 8, 6, 7, 23, 21, 18 }; simpleInsertSort_Bin(a, 8); dispList(a, 8);}